Monday, May 31, 2010
New things going on..
Well it's almost June! Yay! So happy for May to be over...I have had some things that happened this month, some good some bad...the bad: my mom AND Jimmy moved out..which means we are moving...I will know in the next week or so whether we get this other house I am looking at.The good: Bruce got here a few days before Mother's Day and so far he and Charles are getting along pretty good:) (thank god Connor doesn't stare at him anymore lol) Connor, we cut his hair on Mothers Day and let me tell you...his lil tudes are improving! On to bday which is on the 9th...I might do nothing like I always do. June 30th Charles will be NINE! We are having a party in a local park so he can run around and have fun:) (He doesn't know yet but he is getting fishes for his birthday:)) Well that's it for now..I will leave you with two current pics of my little <3's!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Journey is almost over!!!
Kiddos are doing good...being pains in the butt!
Mom was just admitted for keep her in your thoughts...
Well gonna go cook dinner for my family and get them ready for bed :)
Monday, March 29, 2010
Current news.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Time for a new blog
Monday, I got my PICC in and let me tell you it was PAINFUL!!!
My vein wasn't cooperating and it took forever to get the line it..(it went in my neck the first try, OUCH!) Second try was a success and I went home and started the first treatment on the goes by so much faster than the IV.
My foot seems to be healing well, it has been burning like hell cause I am on it more often now.
I posted some mobile pics of the kids on my facebook....I have yet to find my good batteries so it looks like I will be buying more...ugh.
It's official...Connor is walking full time now!! I feel like he isn't my "baby" anymore he is full time toddler now :( (I am waiting to go to the store to get batteries to film this momentous occasion)
Charles spent time outside today blowing bubbles...might I mention it was GORGEOUS outside today!! I wish it would stay that way!
it may seem that this is a happy part of my journey because I have had a couple good days, but lets face it..I am housebound and BORED!
If you are friends with me on Facebook, please help me not be so would help soooooo much! treatment is done and I am TIRED!
Talk with you all later :)
Sunday, March 14, 2010
3rd and 4th treatment and preparation for PICC
I am sleeping downstairs again, but that is because it is easier to get around. I miss my bed. Maybe when the PICC is in I will go sleep in my bed...we will see.
okay so this medicine which is called Cefepime is working really well, so far NO big side effects, just burping...
Last night after my treatment my roomie had me rolling because he had MAJOR gas! (just thought I would put this in here for a little humor! Although he will not agree!)
This weekend both my kiddos have been pretty good with my IV and staying out of the way when I am getting my medicine. (which takes 30 minutes)
I am in search of my good batteries for my camera as my cell takes really crappy pictures.
Well I am going for now, hope everyone has a good ST. Patty's Day!!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Day Two...Second treatment.
Sleep...was NOT good...since the IV is in the crook of my arm I couldn't bend it at all...which sucks because I am used to that at night. I will have to get used to that.
My kids are doing good with me having to get medicine. Thankfully they don't come near and bother me when I have the meds, as it takes 30 minutes for the meds to go in.
Well that is all until the next treatment, I hope everyone is having a good weekend so far.
Friday, March 12, 2010
IV for the weekend, first antibiotic treatment.
Did my first round of the antibiotics and YAY I wasn't allergic,lol. Tomorrow a nurse is coming out to make sure we are doing okay with the IV and the antibiotics, I get it 3 times a day. ugh it sucks that I am gonna go thru this for 6 weeks...but hey I need to FIGHT this infection and this is the ONLY way. Well I am heading to bed now tomorrow is gonna be a long day for me.Night peeps!
This Journey SUCKS!
December 13th I was heading out the door to go bake at my step sister's house, and I was bringing out the last of the items we were taking, everyone was already in the car. I went across the yard like I always do and this time I slipped, HARD. I fell down with my foot under my butt and it was facing outwards..( I will admit I was a screaming BANSHEE at this point, so all my neighbors heard me) when I tried to get up I knew it was broken, sure enough later that day I found out I broke my Fibula bone and tore a bunch of tendons in my foot. I had surgery on December 21st and came home the next day. Recovery was very hard as I couldn't do ANYTHING! I was very disappointed in myself and couldn't figure out why this had happened. Fast forward to about 3 weeks ago, I went in to the doctor's office so that they could see how things were healing, I was in a walking boot at this point. He mentioned there might, and I mean might be an infection then because of discoloration around the ok, not what I wanted to hear. So a date was set for surgery March 11th. The VERY next week guess what I had...TWO of my teeth suddenly got VERY abcessed and I went to the dentist, where the plan WAS to take them out this coming Monday.....well, that had to be cancelled because, yesterday I found out there WAS an infection. At that point they weren't sure what kind of infection and they gave me an antibiotic while I was at the surgery center...guess what,30 minutes after they give me this medicine, I start breaking out and itching all over...I WAS ALLERGIC! I couldn't believe it! I got Benedryl and all that went away. I was told at first that I would be on IV antibiotics for 3 weeks....well today that all changed...evidently the infection was deep in my bone and now I am getting an IV for the weekend and on Monday I am getting the PICC line for the antibiotic that is now going to take SIX weeks to heal...ugh. So there you have it. I will be blogging about this journey for the next 6 weeks or so. So please follow along and put in any words of encouragement, because that would help...ALOT!
Thanks peeps!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
New year, New updates
So the last time I blogged it was November and it still hadn't snowed yet. Well I had spoken WAY to soon! It snowed ALOT. After the first snowfall when it had cleared, I slipped in the grass and broke my ankle....BAD! I had to have surgery on December 21st and since then it's been a hassle to recover from. I went to my dad's for Christmas and my boys got spoiled rotten!! I can say it has been wonderful to spend time with family I haven't seen in FOREVER.
Connor is now 1 and lets say that this boy is a mini-me!
attitude and all!
He has my red curly hair and is almost close to walking!
Charles is doing fantastic...he went to his first Hockey game yesterday and had a blast!!!!
He loves going to school and learning new things everyday.
I am getting more and more stressed about the bills everyday, as I don't have enough money to pay for everything.
I wish I was rich...really I do.
Well thats it for now.